Benefits of watercress

 Benefits of watercress

Benefits of watercress

 Watercress provides many health benefits to the human body, the most prominent of which are mentioned below:
  • Its content of nutrients Important elements for building bones and enhancing their health: including vitamin K, which contributes - along with vitamin D - to regulating the production of osteoclast cells, and this may be related to the protein osteocalcin, which is manufactured in the osteoblast cell. : Osteoblast, and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published similar results according to a study conducted in 2003, [1] Moreover, vitamin K has an important role in reducing the gradual deterioration of neural pathways resulting from aging. In age, watercress also contains calcium, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin C, in addition to folic acid , which are nutrients closely related to bone formation and strengthening. It is worth noting that watercress is a rich source of these nutrients. In addition, it provides low levels of oxalate, which limits the bioavailability of calcium, which makes it a healthy food for people with osteoporosis.
  • Nutrients beneficial to the immune system: Watercress contains a large amount of vitamin C, which makes it a suitable choice for strengthening the body’s immunity and protecting it from free radicals that cause inflammation and many other health problems. In addition, it also contains copper, which helps form white blood cells. , which in turn strengthens the body's immune system. 
  • Nutrients that are beneficial for blood pressure and heart health: Watercress is characterized by being a source of some minerals that help enhance the level of healthy blood pressure in the body, which are: Potassium, calcium , and magnesium, by helping blood vessels relax. [4] In addition, watercress contains nutrients necessary to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in general, including: Vitamin C and vitamin K, in addition to folate. On the other hand, vitamin K contributes to enhancing cardiovascular health by pushing calcium to the bones instead of the arteries. Moreover, providing the body with folate protects against high levels of the amino acid homocysteine ​​(in English: Homocysteine), which in turn increases the risk of heart disease .
  • Folate: which women need during pregnancy; It can contribute to reducing the risk of the fetus developing neural tube defects .
  • Carotenoids: (in English: Carotenoids); Which helps improve vision, enhance eye health, and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is the main cause of vision loss in the elderly. The US National Institutes of Health has indicated of Health), known by abbreviation (NIH); To the point that people with macular degeneration who consumed supplements of some types of carotenoids, which are; Lutein and zeaxanthin were less likely to develop advanced macular degeneration. Moreover, watercress provides the body with another type of carotenoid, which is beta-carotene, which the body converts into a vitamin . A is necessary for vision in dim light.
  • Antioxidants: which contribute to strengthening the body’s immune system by eliminating free radicals that cause diseases, in addition to maintaining the balance of enzyme reactions in cells. It should be noted that watercress increases the radical oxygen absorption capacity (in English: Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), which is an indicator of antioxidant capacity. It should be noted that watercress contains a type of antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid. Which has a role in lowering glucose levels and reducing the stimulating effects of oxidative stress in diabetics , in addition to increasing insulin sensitivity. Moreover, it limits damage to the autonomic and peripheral nerves of diabetic patients. Despite this, most The studies used alpha-lipoic acid intravenously, which requires more research to verify the results of oral administration.
  • Fiber: which helps the digestion process, in addition to preventing constipation. On the other hand, a diet rich in fiber can reduce the risk of developing some digestive system diseases, such as: diverticulitis (in English: Diverticulitis) and ulcerative colitis (in English: Ulcerative colitis), in addition to colon cancer. 
  •  Nitrates: Watercress is one of the richest sources of dietary nitrate, and some researchers believe that this compound can improve the quality of life in people with respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, or some metabolic diseases that make physical activity difficult. Daily living is difficult, and despite the lack of research confirming the benefits of watercress in this field, a study published in 2011 in the Journal of Applied Physiology was conducted using beetroot juice, which is rich in dietary nitrates such as watercress. It revealed that it has improved the performance of athletes who practice cycling.

Benefits that do not have strong scientific evidence

 Watercress provides many other health benefits to the body, but the studies conducted on it are not strong, and among these benefits we mention the following:

  • Alleviating stomach ulcers: A study conducted on mice with gastric lesions showed that watercress extracts had an anti-gastric ulcer effect . These results were published in 2009 in the International Journal of Gastroenterology. World Journal of Gastroenterology), [9] It should be noted that researchers explained these effects according to the watercress plant possessing antioxidant, anti-secretory, and other properties. However, human studies must be conducted to verify these results. 
  •  Reducing the risk of cancer: It is believed that some compounds found in cruciferous plants, such as watercress, have a role in helping to reduce the incidence of cancer , including: Glucosinolates, which are rich in sulfur, as these compounds are broken down during the processes of food preparation, chewing, and digestion, to produce other compounds that have anti-cancer effects. Such as indole (in English: Indole), isothiocyanate (in English: Isothiocyanate), and others, for example; Isothiocyanate compounds stimulate the production of Phase II enzymes, which have an important role in removing toxins and cancer-causing substances from the body, and they also support the process of self-destruction of cancer cells.
On the other hand, a study conducted by Australia's Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, known for short as (RIRDC), showed that watercress has anti-cancer effects superior to those found in other leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, white radish (in English: Daikon), and stalk cabbage. (in English: Kohlrabi), the wasabi plant known as Japanese radish, and others. Moreover, it has been shown that these effects are not limited to fresh watercress leaves only, but that they are also found in its buds, and in a study conducted in 2000 at Louisiana State University School of Medicine on A group of abnormal cells growing on the surface of the cervix. It has been shown that the indole compound contributed to reducing their growth more effectively compared to a placebo,  but there are still mixed results about the effectiveness of watercress in reducing the risk of some types of cancer. Such as prostate cancer, lung cancer , breast cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Benefits of watercress for men

 Watercress is believed to have properties that enhance sexual desire. It has been shown that watercress leaf extracts raise the level of the hormone testosterone , which enhances sexual desire. They also contribute to improving fertility by increasing sperm activity, in an animal study published in 2013 in the Journal of Al-Nahrain University. -Nahrain University), and it is believed that these results are due to the phytochemicals and nutrients contained in this plant.

Benefits of watercress for weight loss 

There are no studies indicating the effect of watercress on weight loss, but it can be said that watercress provides the body with the nutrients it needs without affecting the recommended daily limit of calories, for example; Watercress is 30% more nutrient dense than cabbage , and about 50% more than cauliflower.

Nutritional value of watercress 

The following table shows the nutrients available in 100 grams of watercress:

The nutritional element Nutritional value
water 91.71 milliliters
Calories 25 calories
Protein 2.58 grams
Dietary fiber 1.6 grams
Carbohydrates 3.65 fines
the fat 0.66 grams
Sugars 2.05 grams
magnesium 47 milligrams
Iron 1.46 milligrams
Sodium 27 milligrams
Calcium 160 milligrams
Potassium 369 milligrams
Phosphorus 52 milligrams
Zinc 0.47 milligram
vitamin C 15 milligrams
Folate 97 micrograms
Vitamin K 108.6 micrograms

Warnings of using watercress

 Some people may suffer from an allergy to the watercress plant, and eating it may cause an allergic reaction and complications that may appear within a few minutes, or may be delayed and appear after several hours. It is worth noting that an allergy to the watercress plant often appears in the form of swelling of the tongue, and inflammation of the throat and lips. In addition to the possibility of developing angioedema (in English: Angioedema), 
 a case report indicated that a 24-year-old woman suffered from severe swelling of the tongue and lips approximately five minutes after eating a few leaves of raw watercress, with edema of the lips and tongue. , itching in the mouth and pharynx, and a feeling of suffocation, but she was admitted to the hospital and treated immediately,  In rare cases, eating watercress can cause a condition called anaphylaxis, which is accompanied by a sudden drop in blood pressure, which requires monitoring signs of difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, and others. People who suffer from severe allergies to watercress are also advised to keep injections. Epinephrine (in English: Epinephrine); As it reduces swelling if they accidentally eat watercress. 
 On the other hand, there are no studies indicating the occurrence of harmful interactions between watercress and other foods or medications. However, people who take anticoagulant medications such as warfarin are advised to avoid suddenly increasing or decreasing the intake of foods rich in vitamin K, as this The vitamin plays an important role in blood clotting. It should also be noted that not storing juices from foods rich in nitrates, such as watercress, properly may lead to the accumulation of some types of bacteria in them, which convert nitrates into the compound nitrite, which is harmful when consumed in large quantities. In addition, nitrates may interfere with some types of medications prescribed for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, they are advised to consult a doctor before consuming a diet rich in nitrates.

Frequently asked questions about watercress 

Does watercress raise blood pressure? 
Some people may believe that eating watercress causes an increase in blood pressure, but there are no studies indicating this. In fact, the watercress content of some minerals may help promote healthy levels of blood pressure. Such as potassium, calcium , and magnesium. As mentioned previously, these nutrients may help blood vessels relax. [4] It is also worth noting that watercress is rich in nitrates, [7] and a review published in Nutrients magazine in 2014 indicated that a diet rich in nitrates contributes to lowering blood pressure

Does watercress provide special benefits for pregnant women?

 There are no studies indicating that watercress provides special benefits to pregnant women, but as previously mentioned, it is a food rich in folate, which is one of the very important vitamins for pregnant women, as its deficiency in pregnant women increases the risk of giving birth to a child with neural tube defects.

Is watercress good for the thyroid gland?

 Some believe that watercress provides benefits to the thyroid gland, but there are no studies indicating this. It should also be noted that it is one of the foods that contain substances that may affect the enlargement of the thyroid gland, such as thiocyanate compounds, which can be consumed in large quantities. It interferes with the levels of iodine, which is important for the production of thyroid hormones. Therefore, it is believed that consuming large quantities of it may increase the risk of developing hypothyroidism, but it is worth noting that eating foods that contain these compounds in moderation does not cause harm. It is not recommended to avoid these foods, given that the benefits they provide to the body far outweigh their potential risks for healthy people. For people with thyroid problems, the possibility that eating moderate amounts of these foods will cause their symptoms to worsen is very small, but they are advised to consult a doctor before eating them. To ensure their safety.

An overview of watercress

 Watercress is known by its scientific name, Eruca Sativa. This annual herbaceous plant belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It grows to a height of 80 centimeters, and its flower petals are yellow or white, while its leaves appear serrated, [19] and are characterized by their spicy taste. And its small size, so it is easy to include it in the preparation of some types of salads. This plant is also considered rich in nutrients, such as: nitrates, vitamin K , the carotenoid provitamin A (in English: Provitamin A Carotenoids), and vitamin B9, [20] . It should be noted that this The plant has been known since ancient times. Its cultivation spread in the Mediterranean region and Europe, and it was consumed in abundance in the Roman era. [21] To learn more information about watercress and its products, you can refer to the article What is watercress ?

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