Where is vitamin C found?


Where is vitamin C found

Sources of vitamin C

 Vitamin C can be obtained from many food sources, including the following:

Red hot pepper  Hot peppers have many antioxidants and are rich in many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C. One 45-gram pill contains 64.7 milligrams of vitamin C, or the equivalent of 72% of the daily amount. Pepper has many health benefits, including: contributing to the healing of wounds and improving the functions of the immune system. Hot pepper is usually used as a spice. ; It can be cooked, dried, and used as a powder called paprika, which is considered a capsaicin compound. The vital compound of hot pepper, which is responsible for its distinctive taste, and despite its high nutritional content, it is usually consumed in small quantities, which reduces its contribution to providing the body with these substances available in it. 

Guava is one of the widely consumed fruits, and it contains many nutrients. As it is a source of dietary fiber, energy, and many minerals, such as: potassium , phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and zinc , in addition to its content of vitamins, such as: vitamin B , vitamin E, and vitamin A, in addition to vitamin C. One cup of it contains 376.7 milligrams of vitamin C, or the equivalent of 419% of the recommended daily amount of it. Eating it contributes to enhancing the functioning of the immune system, [1] [3]. In a laboratory study published in the Journal of Food Chemistry in 2007 on the effect of Guava leaf extract, due to its content of antioxidants against free radicals. The results have shown that guava extract contains phenolic acids that may be responsible for their role as antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants contribute to reducing the spread of free radicals in the body, the presence of which is one of the main causes of the risk of disease.

sweet spicy Sweet red pepper is a food source rich in vitamin C, as a fresh cup of it contains 152 milligrams of vitamin C, or the equivalent of 169% of the daily amount, in addition to its content of fiber, vitamin A , and vitamin B complex. It should be noted that Green pepper is also rich in vitamin C. One medium-sized pill provides the body with the equivalent of 95 milligrams of the daily amount, 8% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A and vitamin K , and 15% of the daily amount of vitamin B6. It should also be noted that the whole pill of green sweet pepper of the same size contains only 24 calories.

Black currant Black currants, also known as blackcurrants, contain abundant amounts of vitamin C. As 100 grams of it provide the equivalent of 181 milligrams of vitamin C, or the equivalent of 201% of the daily amount of it. That is equivalent to 4 times the amount of vitamin C in oranges, in addition to containing many vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B5 , vitamin B6 , and vitamin B1.

Thyme Thyme is a food source rich in vitamin C. 100 grams of it contain 160 milligrams of vitamin C. That is equivalent to 178% of the daily amount of it. Thyme also contains vitamin A, in addition to being a good source of many nutrients, including copper, iron , and manganese, in addition to fiber.

Parsley is a low-calorie herb. It is also rich in many vitamins, such as: Vitamin C. As one cup of parsley contains 80 milligrams of vitamin C; That is equivalent to 89% of the daily amount of it. Parsley also contains vitamin A, which has antioxidant properties, and vitamin K, which is necessary for bone health and blood clotting. Parsley has many health benefits, and this is due to its high content of beneficial compounds, such as; Flavonoids. 

Spinach One cup of chopped spinach provides 195 milligrams of vitamin C; This is equivalent to 217% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. It is also rich in vitamin A, calcium , potassium, folate, manganese, and fiber. It should be noted that cooking spinach and exposing it to heat reduces its vitamin C content, but nevertheless One cup of cooked spinach provides the body with 117 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 130% of the recommended daily amount

Cabbage Cabbage contains a large amount of fiber and water, which in turn contribute to enhancing the digestion process and reducing the risk of constipation, in addition to its content of calcium, vitamin K, iron, and vitamin C. A cup of chopped cabbage contains 80 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 89% of the daily amount of it. As for cooked cabbage, one cup of it contains 53.3 milligrams of vitamin C, which is equivalent to 59% of the daily amount of it. Cabbage is considered one of the foods rich in antioxidants, and it also provides many health benefits. For the body.

Kiwi Kiwi is a food source rich in vitamin C. One cup of kiwi slices contains 166.9 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 185% of the daily amount of it, in addition to the kiwi content of many vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, and folate , and eating it provides many health benefits to the body.

Broccoli One cup of chopped broccoli contains 81 milligrams of vitamin C, equivalent to 90% of the recommended daily amount of consumption. Broccoli also contains vitamin K, which contributes to blood clotting, and is a good source of fiber, folate, and potassium.

Brussels sprouts (in English: Brussels sprouts); This type of cabbage is a food source rich in fiber and many vitamins and minerals, including potassium, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Eating one cup of it provides the body with approximately 107% of the daily amount of vitamin C. Brussels cabbage is considered It is a food source rich in antioxidants that contribute to maintaining body health and reducing cell damage. Eating it also contributes to enhancing the health of the immune system, blood, and bones.

Papaya Papaya is a good food source of vitamin C. As one cup of it contains 88 milligrams of vitamin C, or equivalent to 98% of the daily amount of it, and one medium-sized papaya fruit provides the body with 224% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, and contains 120 calories. It contains 30 grams of carbohydrates and two grams of protein. It is also a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin A, copper, magnesium, and vitamin B5 , in addition to its content of B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, and lycopene.

Orange Oranges consist mainly of carbohydrates and water, and are rich in vitamin C. One cup of orange contains 96 milligrams of vitamin C, or the equivalent of 106% of the daily amount, in addition to being a good source of dietary fiber, which may contribute to enhancing the health of the digestive system. It also contains vitamin B1 and folate. And antioxidants.

Acerola Or acerola (in English: Acerola Cherries); Eating one cup of acerola cherry provides the body with approximately 11,644 milligrams of vitamin C, or 1827% of the recommended amount of vitamin C.

Rosehip (in English: Rose Hips) This rose grows from the flowers of the wild rose plant, which ranges in color from orange to purplish-black. This rose usually blooms in late summer until the fall season, and contains many antioxidants that are important for the health of the body, including; Vitamin E , beta carotene, and lycopene, in addition to vitamin C; One cup of rosehip, weighing 127 grams, contains 541 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 601% of the daily amount consumed. It is believed that rosehip may contribute to reducing a wide range of symptoms related to diseases in the digestive system or inflammation.

Lychee fruit (in English: Lychees); This fruit has a flower-like scent, and is rich in many nutrients, including: vitamin C; One cup contains 136 milligrams of vitamin C, or the equivalent of 151% of the recommended daily amount of it, in addition to the lychee fruit’s content of vitamin B6, vitamin B3 , vitamin B2, folate, copper, potassium, magnesium , and phosphorus. And manganese, in addition to being a good source of dietary fiber, protein, and polyphenol compounds. This fruit is usually used in preparing cocktails and other dishes because of its unique smell, and it is also eaten in Asian countries as a dessert.

Curly cabbage (in English: Kale); As 100 grams of raw curly cabbage provides the body with 120 milligrams of vitamin C.

Tomato paste 100 grams of it contain 27.3 milligrams of vitamin C .

Overview of Vitamin C Vitamin C 

, or what is known as ascorbic acid (in English: Ascorbic acid), is one of the water-soluble vitamins, and it is also one of the antioxidant vitamins. Vitamin C has many important functions for the human body, as it helps the body grow, in addition to its role in the formation of Blood vessels, cartilage, muscles, and collagen in the bones, contributing to the body’s healing process. Vitamin C is available in many food sources in addition to the possibility of obtaining it from nutritional supplements. It should be noted that the human body stores a very small amount of it, and it is eliminated from it. The rest of it is excreted through urine, so care must be taken to constantly consume it from its sources to avoid a decrease in its levels in the body.

Types of vitamin C Vitamin C

 is available as a nutritional supplement alone or with other nutritional elements. There are several forms of vitamin C in supplements, and there is no difference between these forms in their benefits to the body. 
Among these forms we mention the following:  

  • Ascorbic acid: which is usually found in vitaminC supplements. 
  • Sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, and other mineral ascorbates: These forms are also available in some types of vitamin C supplements. 
  • Ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids.

Vitamin C deficiency 

A deficiency of vitamin C in the body is known as scurvy. Adults may suffer from a deficiency of vitamin C due to a poor diet that lacks the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and sources rich in vitamin C. Because this vitamin is important for absorbing iron and producing collagen in the body, its deficiency It is associated with anemia and tissue damage due to not producing enough collagen. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency begin to appear after 8 to 12 weeks, including: Loss of appetite, weight, feeling of fatigue, lethargy, and irritability. Symptoms may develop between 1 to 3 months and may then be associated with musculoskeletal pain and edema (in English: Edema); It is swelling of the organs as a result of the accumulation of fluids inside them, severe bleeding under the skin with small red spots as a result of the bleeding, shortness of breath, change in mood, depression, hair problems, in addition to gum disease and tooth loss. [29] It should be noted that the body's need for vitamin C increases in some health conditions, including when suffering from fever, inflammatory disorders, especially diarrhea, in cases of loss of stomach acid, hyperthyroidism, smoking, iron deficiency, surgery, burns, and protein deficiency. [30] To read more information about vitamin C deficiency, you can refer to the article on vitamin C deficiency .

Harmful effects of vitamin C 

Taking vitamin C orally is generally safe for most people when taken in the recommended doses, but it may cause some side effects in some people, including: nausea, vomiting, cramps, heartburn, and headache, and these symptoms increase when taken more; Eating amounts exceeding 2000 milligrams per day is likely unsafe and may cause severe diarrhea and kidney stones. Also, increasing the intake of vitamin C more than 1000 milligrams per day in people with kidney stones increases the risk of recurring stones.

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